Joel and I are working on a short story of Marcus ninja, to be published specifically for this show. it will be available at the Toronto shows as well. it 'll be ready for summer.
if you haven't heard of this show yet, you gotta check out the guest list. this is easily one of the greatest line ups i've ever seen.
i can't wait for June, it is gonna be super-kick-ass- awesome.
i know i won't be able to meet everyone i want while will be at my table most of the show, BUT,
here's a bunch of names i am looking forward/hoping to meet.
Jeff Brown - Top Shelf
Robert Kirkman - Walking Dead
Christian Barenak - silent devil comics
Tony Harris - Ex Machina, Gaijin Studios alumni
Bryan Lee O'Malley - Scott Pilgrim
Joe Staton - Green Lantern , Guy Gardner
Savannah College of Art & Design
Adam Hughes - Gaijin Studios, cover artist extraordinaire
Jonathan Hickman - Nightly News, Pax Romana
Dean Haspiel - Billy Dogma
Cully Hamner - Gaijin Studios, artist extraordinaire
Jason Pearson - Gaijin Studios, artist extraordinaire
Brian Stelfreeze - Gaijin Studios, artist extraordinaire
Dave Johnson - 100 Bullets cover artist, Gaijin Studios alumni
Nicholas Gurewitch - Perry Bible Fellowship
Christos Gage - Wildstorm
Matt Fraction - Punisher War journal, Iron Fist, Casanova
Tommy Lee Edwards - Bulletpoints, upcoming 1985
Todd Dezago - Tellos
Evan Dorkin - Milk & Cheese, House of Fun
Brandon Peterson - Dr. Strange, Ultimate Vision, Chimera
Jimmy Palmiotti - Marvel Knights, Daredevil, Jonah Hex
Steve Niles - 30 days of night
Chris Moreno - Sidekick
Tony Moore - Fear Agent, Exterminators, Walking Dead
Jim Mahfood - Clerks, 40 oz, Grrrl Scouts
David Mack - Daredevil, Kabuki
JohnPaul Leon - Static, Earth X
Jamal Igle - Firestorm, Nightwing
Ethan Van Sciver - Green Lantern
Daniel Way - Wolverine Origins
Mark Waid - DC (lots), editor in chief of Boom Studios
Matt Wagner - Mage, Grendel
Chris Staros - Top Shelf
Andy Runton - Owly, Top Shelf
Greg Rucka - Queen & Country, Wonder Woman, 52
Alex Robinson - Box Office Poison, Tricked
Paola Rivera - Marvel, painter extraordinaire
Eric Powell - Goon
Jason Aaron - Scalped, the Otherside
Mark Brooks - Ultimate Fantastic Four
Frank Cho - Liberty Meadows, Mighty Avengers
Amanda Conner - the Pro, Jsa Classified
Guy Davis - B.P.R.D.
Julia Wertz - Fart Party
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