Mouse Guard #3 (of 6) - i'm not really paying too much attention to this story when i'm reading it because i know i'm gonna pick up the Winter 1152 hardcover when it's available, to go on the shelf next to my beautiful Fall 1152 hardcover. the art is gorgeous, though. GREAT

Narcoleptic Sunday TPB (Oni press) , by Jeremy Haun and Brian Koschak - i had forgotten that i had ordered this, i can't remember when but it was a while ago. the only reason i bought it is because it is about a narcoleptic dude. i don't know why but i like stories about narcoleptic's. i think this was artist, Jeremy Haun's first attempt at writing and it was alright. it was a little too Sin City-ish in plot and suspense, but it was a nice little tale. the art was good in some parts but very amateur in others. i like Koschak's layouts, story telling and characters, and especially his use of grey tones instead of solid blacks, but little things like crudely drawn hands, faces and overall anatomy take you right out of the story, as if you were at a portfolio review for a guy trying to break in. Koschak needs a bit of developing but will soon be a very good artist. i would read this again though. PRETTYGOOD

OMEGA the Unknown #8 (of 10) - this story is getting better and better, and questions are being answered as it wraps up with issue 10. Farel Darymple's art is spectacular. BRILLIANT