Death By Chocolate : Redux , by David Yurkovich - I didn't love it. to be honest, i was very put off by the art style. I just didn't think it was great. I wasn't a fan of the concept and I tried but I could not get into the art. this is one of the few Top Shelf books that I didn't love. I'll give it a rating of LAME, but that doesn't mean it's bad, it just wasn't for me. I can totally see others loving this.

RASL, by Jeff Smith volume 1 - I don't think Jeff Smith is capable of doing a book I don't love. he is such an amazing, complete artist. his visual storytelling has no flaws. I'm not even sure if the story is that good or I'm just super biased because I love the art. much like Smith's Bone, I will be buying all the RASL Jeff can put out. I hope one day I am half as good an artist as Jeff Smith is. BRILLIANT
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