My pal Ben "the Super-Nasty" (don't call him that to his face) has recently started a blog called Super Scribble. Ben is a bad ass artist and will soon be doing guest art chores on my web comic Awesome Marcus Ninja. please check out his blog to see some very cool sketches like this one. 

I'll tell you how I found this podcast if you don't ask any questions about what I was searching for.
I was looking for something Jean Claude Van Damme related and I came across a very, uh, not-heterosexual pic of Jean Claude in a speedo hanging with Lorenzo Lamas. I ended up reading the site that it was posted on & it was the blog to recap episodes of Stop Podcasting Yourself . Stop Podcasting Yourself is the funniest podcast in the world. It is hosted by 2 extremely funny Vancouver comedians, Dave Shumka & Graham Clark & usually features a funny guest. I look forward to nothing more than the new episode each week and I am never disappointed. Check it out on Itunes or you can get the feed right off the blog site. & be sure to check the re-cap blog because that is usually as funny as the episodes.

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